One of the greatest obstacles you face as a trader is trying to succeed in this very difficult occupation with training to be a trader that was not 100% complete and adequate.
Here's how to tell:
If you are NOT enjoying the level of success that you desire…
If your trading is NOT relaxed, calm, assured and confident…
If you sometimes feel confused or don't know what to do…
If your trading has more doubt, anxiety, disappointment and frustration than you'd like…
If you struggle with your emotions while you trade and fight with your discipline to stick to your system…
Then the most likely culprit is that you are missing something
It is NOT because you have psychological issues or a lack of discipline.
The discipline wouldn't be a problem if everything was as it should be.
I'm pretty sure that with proper and adequate training on all that trading requires, you'd probably be just fine every single day, regardless of what the markets are doing.
Over the 10 years that I've been helping traders work past their issues, I've uncovered several specific matters that, when addressed, move you forward in your trading and the issues just drop away very naturally.
I cover these in a video which you can watch here
I'd love to hear your feedback after watching it!