Are you ready to go for 2013?
Do you have everything in place to make sure that 2013 is a highly-fruitful year?
Here's a quick checklist, just to help you make sure that you're giving yourself every advantage
Your 2013 Last-Minute Trading Readiness Checklist
Motivation – to carry you through the year and all its challenges
- Carrots and sticks to keep you on track and moving forward
- Big Why's (family, philanthropy, lifestyle, personal achievement)
- Daily mantras, rituals and routines
Business Plan, Including
- your goals for the year
- Your objectives month-by-month
- Your plan of action
- Your financial forecast, including revenues and budget
Trading Systems Ready and fine-tuned
- Documented
- Confirmed
- Optimized
Contingency Plans in place for such disruptions as
- Short term (< 1 day) Power or internet outage
- Longer term (several days) Power or internet outage
- Computer crash
- Health or personal issues that prevent you from trading
Bonuses! Are you including PLANS for the enjoyment of the profits of your business?
- Vacations
- Toys
- Gifts
- Reinvesting into long-term passive income sources
If you are missing any of the above and need help getting them in place, then check these out:
Trading As Your Business Trader Training Program
Trading System Mastery Accelerated Coaching
And as a special stocking-stuffer bonus right now, I'm including the Trader's Guide to Emotional Management when you get either one
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Brian McAboy
Trading Success Coach